Singing Guide: Rex Harrison

Singing Guide: Rex Harrison

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Rex Harrison was a famous English actor who was known for his unique speaking style and singing voice. His most notable role was in the musical "My Fair Lady," where he played Professor Henry Higgins. In this article, we will explore his vocal technique and discuss ways to learn to sing like Rex Harrison while incorporating practical advice and Singing Carrots resources.

Rex Harrison's unique vocal technique was characterized by his conversational style of singing. He used a technique called "sprechgesang," which means speaking-singing. This technique involves speaking the lyrics of a song in a rhythmical and melodic manner, rather than singing them.

To learn to sing like Rex Harrison, it is important to focus on breath control and articulation. In his songs, he used a lot of consonants to emphasize the rhythm and melody of the lyrics. Therefore, a good way to practice Rex Harrison's vocal style is by working on articulation exercises. Singing Carrots' "Finger Bite" exercise is a perfect exercise for working on articulation.

Another important aspect of Rex Harrison's vocal technique is his breath control. He would often hold long notes with a constant flow of air, which would create a smooth and seamless sound. Singing Carrots' "Farinelli Breathing" exercise is a great way to work on breath control and support.

When singing like Rex Harrison, it is essential to focus on the conversational quality of his singing style. Singing Carrots' "How to Learn a Song Effectively" article is a helpful resource in this regard. It offers practical tips on how to approach a song and make it your own.

Rex Harrison was also known for his acting skills, which he incorporated into his singing performances. He sang with great emotion and conviction and was able to convey the meaning of the lyrics through his singing. Singing Carrots' "Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking" article discusses the importance of emotion and expression in singing, and provides tips on how to incorporate acting skills into your singing.

To conclude, Rex Harrison was a unique singer with a style all his own. To learn to sing like Rex Harrison, one needs to focus on breath control, articulation, and the conversational quality of his singing style. Singing Carrots' resources such as the "Finger Bite" exercise, "Farinelli Breathing" exercise, "How to Learn a Song Effectively" article, and "Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking" article are great tools to help you achieve this.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.